Product update: Comment on feedback!
We have been working hard in the past few weeks to bring a some new cool (and long awaited) features to Ybug's dashboard.
Comment on feedback
You can finally comment on feedback! It is important to share your thoughts and news with your team to keep everyone up to date. You can now comment on feedback to internally communicate with your team mates.
This is just a start, we are going to allow some basic formatting and attachments soon. And it will also be possible to reply to your customer in the same way!

Previous / Next buttons
To make browsing through feedback more easy, we've added Previous and Next buttons. This way you can go through feedback reports without having to return to the entire report list.

We've also fixed many bugs on security and reliability of our platform.
This is all for today, but there are more features to come, stay tuned!๐
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